If you’re new here then welcome, I tell stories in six words. As a creative micro writer on Twitter and a media production student, I enjoy experimenting to create something new. Below is a 30 second experimental film as part of a YouTube challenge to upload a Video Every Day in April (VEDA). The video is an abstract film that features […]
Film – Introducing six word stories
Experimental film with six words A picture is a 1000 words, I like to add, six words are a 1000 pictures. The following video is an introduction to the storytelling style of this blog which is all about micro fiction. Do you want more six words in film?
Interactive Music Video | Golden Touch
Interactive music video’s; making things a little more exciting. This music video has such a simple interactive concept that I simply had to share it with you. Quite a short and late post for today but I hope you enjoy this video and putting fingerprints on your screen. Let me know in the comments what you think about it. __________________________________________________________________ […]
Life in 27 Seconds on YouTube – Casey Neistat
If you haven’t heard of Casey Neistat you should really check out his videos. I particularly enjoy his Snapchat stories. Life in 27 seconds by Casey Neistat This video is featured as the first one of the weekly series because I feel it is a great example to learn from. It reminds me that anyone can tell a story through the moving […]
Writing Buddy
There is a little buddy hanging around this place. He warms up my lap while I type away some fictitious world or being. *** Any other writing pets, share them in the comments.