Autumn leaves tinged with yellow, though as they fade a lad wanders alone. A long way from his city and a new home in his heart; his family he does not want to depart. Yet now that he wanders in the magick around, he feels ever so Earth bound. Look at the leaves, touch their essence, Never so in tune […]
Reality is a Dream | A Micro Tale
Reality is a dream but there is nothing wrong with Cai. He is an average man living in his camper van with his buddy Tim. Tim is a neutered cat whom enjoys all of Cai’s adventure books, especially by sleeping on them most of the day. When Cai is not working at some unknown cafeteria, he usually roams around the countryside or […]
Moleskine Bliss | Sometimes words turn into doodles
Moleskine opened a new store last year during my first week in Berlin, just for me, or so I like to think. I dedicate my 3000th tweet to @moleskine. May 2014 be the year I experience the wonders of entering one of their stores. #dreams — Luke Żammit (@AlphaWings) March 5, 2014 I generally write all over my Moleskine pages […]
Twitter Fiction Stories | Top 10
Twitter is my source of micro-fiction. As an avid follower of creative writing, I thought of compiling a short list of my favourite #TwitterFiction from this week (starting 21st September). If we’re dead, then why do I still crave french toast? #1lineWed — Eliza Nolan (@ElizaNolanPants) September 23, 2015 does your husband know you’re here #sixwords — M (@queenbukowski) September […]
Twelve | A Witch’s Micro Tale
The clock strikes twelve. As the moon illuminates a lonely road and the fields almost swallowed by darkness, a hag appears in the window that flickers like candlelight. With her hand stretched out, she chants; “As the moon be my power I chant in this hour Hear my voice, Hear my cry Come forth from the sky.” As gentle as […]
Instagram Storytelling | Tell A Story In A Picture
Instagram is a gallery of pictures. Pictures are a 1000 words, this one is clearly more. As with Twitter, I use Instagram to tell tiny stories. Here’s an insta-story I had not uploaded elsewhere. There are many creative writers who use Instagram as another way of sharing their stories or poetry. Have you ever posted such a picture? What do you […]
A tweet you probably missed
Creative writing in a tweet. She’s not pretty in the sense that every man and woman want to date, but rather in the sense that she enjoys lone dates. #TwitterFiction — Luke Żammit (@AlphaWings) May 23, 2015