Experimental Film – An Introduction

Let’s make an experimental film. Last year I’ve realised a certain passion for experimental film. Lately, I have experimented with visual art on an app called Phhhoto. The iOS only application became available on android last October for beta testers. I had long been waiting for it, so naturally I joined in the fun. Now, I have found another creative community. […]


Moleskine Bliss | Sometimes words turn into doodles

Moleskine opened a new store last year during my first week in Berlin, just for me, or so I like to think. I dedicate my 3000th tweet to @moleskine. May 2014 be the year I experience the wonders of entering one of their stores. #dreams — Luke Żammit (@AlphaWings) March 5, 2014 I generally write all over my Moleskine pages […]


A Timelapse Short Film About Loneliness

As I was browsing my old likes on Vimeo I came across this little gem. Originally, a friend had linked it to me on Facebook back in 2012. The video is an entirely simple timelapse yet the colours and background create such a soothing atmosphere. The first time I watched the video I assumed that the drink was a shot […]


Free write for your life

I have never written anything that did not give me a sense of freedom. And that is typically the result of free-writing. There are times when the words do not make sense and times when they are entirely fictitious, but regardless it always seems to set a part of me free. Personal satisfaction is what matters most in creative writing. […]
